Virtual Buddy Bench- Getting Started

There’s been so much change these days with the ongoing pandemic known as COVID-19. It’s hard to stay connected with your friends over zoom calls, and sometimes it’s even hard to express how you feel. But with schools opening up again in the fall and arguments everywhere about how students are attending it again, things are going to be even harder. And at this point, I think it’s time to create an outlet where students can express these feeling comfortably, especially when they might not be able to in their own house.

That’s why we’ve raised the idea of having a Virtual Buddy Bench! Virtual Buddy Benches are places where students can talk about how they feel, express the help they may need, or even just socialize since they don’t have as much of a chance to nowadays. This benefits all students—virtual or in-person—because no one is going to school the same way we expect to. It’s hard to know if your student is having a hard time through a screen, and in the same way, you can’t tell if your student is facing troubles at home when you see them for a limited time, always six feet away from you.

Here’s a video showing you how to create a google form! Google forms can be used for students to sign up for a spot on the Virtual Buddy Bench with:

Once the form is complete, post a link on either a teacher’s homepage, the school’s website, anywhere students can easily find it. Here is a possible logo you are free to use! or feel free to download the image here for the blue bench and here for the sun bench.


With all being said, having a Virtual Buddy Bench is almost effortless, yet makes such a big difference for the students and school itself. It’s important for every student’s voice to be heard, and since it’s hard to do that sometimes, Virtual Buddy Benches are here to solve this problem. Virtual Buddy Bench isn’t a program, isn’t a product, isn’t even offering a fee—it’s simply an idea. An idea that will hopefully make the transition and students’ times back at school more worthwhile.


A little note to say…